Setup Parity for your cluster

Parity securely integrates into your cluster via an egress-only service, remediator. We provide a helm chart to deploy Parity into your cluster.

To set it up, follow these steps. If you have any issues, please reach out to us at

Generate API Key (pre-requisite)

You can generate an API key here.

Remediator Installation

The remediator is a Kubernetes pod that runs in your cluster and provides Parity with insight into your cluster’s health. By default, it has read-only access to your cluster. It works via secure egress-only access strictly to our API.

If you don’t yet have helm installed, follow the relevant installation instructions here before continuing on.

  1. Add the Parity helm-charts repo by running

    helm repo add parity
  2. Run the command

    helm install parity-remediator parity/remediator \
    --create-namespace -n <NAMESPACE> \
    --set parity.apikey=<YOUR_API_KEY> \
    --set parity.clustername=<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME>

    Replace <NAMESPACE> with a new namespace of your choice (ex. parity), and <YOUR_API_KEY> with the API key you generated earlier. <YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME> can be any name of your chosing, but must be unique within your organization.

Remediator is now installed in your cluster! 🎉 🚀

If you need to update these values later, you can update your local repo and then use helm upgrade to do so. For example, if we wanted remediator to have write access to our cluster, we’d run

helm repo update
helm upgrade -n <NAMESPACE> parity-remediator parity/remediator \
--reuse-values \
--set parity.readonly=false

Please note the use of --reuse-values to preserve the API key and tag that you set in the installation.