Parity receives new alerts from Pagerduty. Pagerduty alerts can be configured to use a certain runbook or to open an investigation.

Adding Pagerduty Webhook

  1. Go to your Pagerduty account
  2. Go to “Integrations” > “Generic Webhooks” Pagerduty menu
  3. Click “Add Webhook” and configure the webhook with the following settings:
  • Use as the webhook URL
  • Set scope type to “Account”
  • Add event subscriptions for incident.triggered and incident.reopened
  • Add custom header with the key Parity-API-Key and the value of your Parity API key (API key can be found in your Parity settings)
Pagerduty webhook settings
  1. Click “Create Webhook”

  2. Provide Parity with the webhook secret generated by Pagerduty

Pagerduty webhook secret